Title Insurance Claims

Title defects can take many different forms. For example, there may be a prior mortgage or lien against the property, there may be another party claiming ownership to the property, there may be a party claiming the boundary of the property is different from what the buyer understood, there may be parties claiming rights to easements over or under the property, and other matters that affect the property’s marketability. When a title defect is discovered, the titleholder often has recourse against various parties, including the title insurance company, the title agent, or the seller of the property.

As a former bank attorney, Ms. Valdes has filed numerous title claims in order to cure defects in title after the closing of a property has taken place. If you find a defect in the title after the closing of your property, Valdes Law Firm, P.A. can help you take action in order to make sure that your rights are protected. Title defects could put ownership of your property at risk. If you discover a title defect, it is highly advisable to seek an attorney immediately. Contact us online or by calling (954) 764-7878 to schedule your free consultation today to find out how we can assist you with a title defect. Hablamos Español.

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